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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My NEW Favorite Laundry Detergent!

I went through great pains
to photograph
making laundry detergent
just so you could
see how easy
it can be.

Therefore, it is with 
and head-hanging
that I make this post.

I've found THE easiest
way to make  your own
laundry detergent.

It's easier to make,
It's easier to store.
Dare I say 
It's easier to use?


So here's the recipe: 
I won't even post pics
because it's THAT

1 cup grated Fels Naptha Soap

1/2 cup washing soda

1/2 cup 20 mule team borax

Mix and store in airtight container or bag. For light or small loads, use 1 tablespoon. For normal loads, use 2 tablespoons. For heavy loads, use 3 tablespoons. Cost per load .15.

To make a large batch - grate 6 bars of Fels Naptha Soap and then add 3 cups of Washing Soda and 3 cups of 20 Mule Team Borax.  Mix well and store in covered container.
For more recipes, visit Soaps Gone Buy, my favorite place on the web!

You will have to measure
the first time to be sure,
but I believe one bar 
yields about 3 cups 
grated soap...so I just
it and have lots of detergent
to use.

I also mix it up thoroughly
with a whisk, but as I was doing it
I thought maybe a dough-cutter
would work just as well.

I cannot believe I put
you though the torture
of making a 5 gallon bucket
full of soap.
This powdered stuff fits
in a big Gladware container on
the counter. AND
I don't have to pay beg my
husband to haul it upstairs for me!
So much nicer.
In my own defense, though,
I honestly thought powdered
soap wouldn't work in
my machine.


It's all good. 

Another plus?
It will be easier for me to 
send some to my lovely
sister for Christmas!


Monday, October 3, 2011